Sunday, September 18, 2011

A relaxing weekend in Blantyre

Partly because I was travelling last week and also because we havn't got 'daisy' the project vehicle this weekend, we have hung around Blantyre.  Friday afternoon I called a taxi to run me up to the blantyre sports club for a few lengths of the pool which although still cool is beggining to warm up a little with the hot days we have started to have lately.  As it got towards darkness I made my way to Mustang Sally's to have a few drinks and have a braii for my dinner.  The picture is me relaxing outside at Sally's with a bottle of Kuche Kuche whilst bwaiting for my braii...T bone steak and salad.

Saturday I was up and out by 9am and into town to Lambets textile shop to buy some fabric.  With 14 yards of material I went off to find a local tailor with the help of our head houskeeper.  he took me to a place near his home village and crossed the dirt track and climbed some stairs to a very small hut inside of which was a youn guy sat behind a sewing machine.  Having described what I wanted we agreed a price and leaving my pile of fabric I decided I deserved a nice cool dip at the sports club and a toasted cheese and tomato sandwich with Mzuzu coffee for breakfast beside the pool.   Around lunch time I took a walk back to the house down Victoria avenue, about a mile and a quarter but that was more than enough in the mid-day heat.  Evening found us once again in Sally's for a few drinks and something to eat before heading home for a couple of Malawi gin and tonics before bed.
Sunday I decided to have a lie in as with no transport it isn't easy just to shoot off.   Around 11 I walked up to the sports club, did some lengths in the nice cool pool and then lay in the sun reading for awhile before joining friends on the veranda where I had a nice lunch of rice, curried chicken wings, beef stroganof, roast beef and roast potato and vegetables!!
to walk off my 'light lunch' i walked up into town and Ryalls hotel where I nsat on a nice leather settee and drank a beautiful vanila milk shake whilst reading my book.  enough walking for one day I ordered a taxi from my local taxi man  Takamana who drove me back to 'Big Brother House' 
Going to chill this evening and probably have an early night ready for work tomorrow.  I only have this week left to tie up all loose ends, complete the preparation for my seminar on the 27th and put together some handover notes.  We are hoping to get to Majete wild life reserve next weekend and the following week I have a busy Monday followed by my seminar Tuesday and then wednesday I will start my journey home and be catching the coach back to lilongwe ready for my flight to South Africa Thursday and my connecting flight back to London.
Hope to get some pics up of Majete before i start my journey back.

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